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以下是一些常见问题. 如果你没有看到你的问题在这里得到回答,请联系 ada@shadleysoapstone.com


和记棋牌娱乐 has adopted internal grievance procedures providing for prompt and equitable resolution for students with disabilities about services and/or eligibility for services.


第一个程序是 《和记棋牌娱乐》申诉程序 that addresses complaints regarding the student’s eligibility for services and/or the Accommodation Plan developed for the student.


和记棋牌娱乐 has adopted an internal grievance procedure providing for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action prohibited by Sections 503 or 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 经修订(美国第29号).S.C. 第794条)或1990年《和记棋牌娱乐》第202条(《和记棋牌娱乐》第42条).S.C. 12132). 第202条, 在某种程度上, “任何残疾人都不得。, 由于这种残疾, 被排除在服务的参与之外或被剥夺服务的利益, 项目, 或公共实体的活动, 或受到任何此类实体的歧视."

投诉应提交给:第九条办公室 & 股本, 305行政大厅, V/ tdd (660) 562-1476, who has been designated to investigate complaints under the ADA and the Rehabilitation Act.

  1. 投诉应以书面或口头形式提出, 包含提交人的姓名和地址, 并简要描述涉嫌违反规定的情况.  请考虑使用 熊猫股权报告表.

  2. A complaint should be filed within 30 calendar days after the complainant becomes aware of the alleged violation. (特殊情况将按个别情况考虑.)

  3. 在适当的情况下,将在提出投诉后进行调查. The investigation will be conducted by the ADA/504 Compliance Officer or his/her designate. 这些规则要求进行非正式但彻底的调查, 提供所有有关人士及其代表, 如果有任何, 有机会提交与投诉有关的证据.

  4. A written determination as to the validity of the complaint and a description of the resolution, 如果有任何, 将由教育法第九条办公室发布 & 股权和副本转发给投诉人, 适当的校园管理机构, and the Vice President of Student Affairs no later than 30 calendar days after its filing.

  5. 第九条办公室 & 股本将保存与投诉有关的文件和记录.

  6. The complainant can request a reconsideration of the case in instances where he or she is dissatisfied with the resolution. The request for consideration must be made within 10 working days to the  the Vice President of Student Affairs.

  7. The right of a person to a prompt and equitable resolution of the complaint filed hereunder will not be impaired by the person’s pursuit of other remedies such as the filing of a Section 504 or ADA complaint with the responsible federal government or agency. Using this grievance procedure is not a prerequisite to the pursuit of other remedies.

  8. These rules will be construed to protect the substantive rights of interested persons, meet appropriate due process standards and assure that 和记棋牌娱乐 complies with Section 504 and the ADA and their implementing regulations.

可访问性 & 住宿申诉程序

第二个程序是 可访问性 & 住宿 申诉程序 that addresses specific complaints about the services and/or implementation of services by the 可访问性 & 住宿人员或第九条办公室 & 股本. 投诉应以书面或口头形式向医生提出. 斯蒂芬妮·克劳斯,学生事务助理副校长-第九条 & 股票, skrauth@shadleysoapstone.com 或前往305行政大厅预约. 预约电话:(660)562-1476.



To make a formal request f或学习 or living accommodation(s) to 第九条与股权, 无障碍和住宿:

学生self-dis关闭 the need for an accommodation, and must complete and then submit the fillable form below. 学生还必须单独提交 (ada@shadleysoapstone.com), supporting documentation about your disability from your health or counseling professional. For more information please see the documentation guidelines in the section 残疾文件和要求.




A diagnosed disability is a condition that substantially limits "major life activity,比如走路, 听力, 看到, 说话, 呼吸, 或学习. 《和记棋牌娱乐》保护:

  • 视力障碍(法定失明、进行性视力丧失等).)
  • 失聪的或听力不好的
  • Mental/Emotional health conditions (depression, anxiety, bipolar, OCD, personality disorders, etc.)
  • 学习障碍
  • 添加/多动症
  • 脑损伤、癫痫
  • 自闭症,阿斯伯格综合症
  • Mobility (paraplegia, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, etc.)
  • 其他(癌症、糖尿病、食物过敏等.)

If you have a disability that you think would qualify for a living 或学习 accommodation, please complete the accommodation application and provide supporting medical documentation, 或联系 ada@shadleysoapstone.com.


第九条与股权, 无障碍和住宿提供了一系列合理的住宿, 包括, 但不限于: 

  • 测试条件(例如:延长的时间,最小的干扰,阅读器)
  • 笔记辅助(电脑使用或讲座录音)
  • 听力协助 
  • 转介到其他服务和项目



We have created a map to see ADA and accessibility points of interest on campus.




  • 由持牌专业人士填写的证明信 谁对学生的特殊残疾领域有了解. 
  • 包括你正在看的医疗专业人员的诊断说明.
  • Include the length of time the licensed professional has been treating the student for the disability; the number of visits with the licensed professional may also be required.
  • 包括对残疾的当前状态的描述.
  • 说明学生的残疾如何影响他/她的生活或学习.
  • 建议适当的住宿和 说明它们是如何补救的 致残疾.
  • 由持牌专业人士于 公司信头 (不接受处方). 邮件必须以WORD或PDF格式作为附件发送.
  • 最初的证明文件必须不超过一年.

第九条与股权, 可访问性 and 住宿 may request additional or more recent documentation as needed.

Confidentiality will be maintained for all documentation related to a student's disability.


Accessible format of rented textbooks are available for students who have approved Kurzweil accommodations.

联系人:Scott Yocum, 660.562.1150



The US Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights offers information regarding the rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities, as well as the responsibilities that postsecondary institutions have toward such students.

这个网站是关于残疾学生的大学生活. It is designed for high school students and provides video clips that help in planning for college.

 Prospective students are encouraged to visit 和记棋牌娱乐 and the 第九条 & 公平:可访问性 & 住宿(&)办公室.  An appointment with one of the professional staff members can be scheduled directly through the A&A office by calling 660-562-1873 or the visit can be coordinated through the Admissions Office – Campus Visits.


暂时性损伤通常不被视为残疾, 但骨折等情况, short-term illnesses and recovery from surgery or medical conditions can impact a student’s academic progress.

第九条办公室 & 公平基金可以提供临时服务,帮助学生完成学业.  An appointment may be set up with one of the professional staff members to coordinate and arrange the services that are needed. 为安排服务,可能需要提供医疗状况证明文件.

如果临时状况涉及行动问题(如.g. 使用助行器或拐杖), 和记棋牌娱乐 does not provide personal shuttle services to and from classes.  欲了解更多信息,请致电660-562-1873与和记棋牌娱乐联系.
